Posted in Life Rescues

I’m Happy For You

attitude-personalityWhen you hear someone say, “I’m happy for you”, are you like me and wonder if the words are genuine? I don’t know about you, but I understand body language and if you are saying this to me, it shouldn’t be while you are rolling your eyes or placing your hands on your waist like you are trying to make a point. It should be heart felt or why else would you say it.

Well maybe we say it because we really want to be happy for the other person but our lives are in such a mess that anyone else’s happiness just pushes us over the edge. Or we deeply aren’t happy for anyone and just make a ‘whatever’ gesture like you have no time for this.

I really don’t like this sentence because it’s like ‘how are you?’. Does anyone really care how you are or they just wasting air time?

If you haven’t noticed from my previous posts, I have certain standards and one is to be authentic, the other is to be honest not only with yourself, but with others too.

So, when you are about to say ‘I am happy for you’,  mean it! You other option is to STFU and move on. It’s that simple as life is not about being jealous, hateful or mean….it’s about all the other stuff we keep preaching. Living life in harmony and caring for one another without condition.

If this is too hard to do, then life will suck more than lemons for you!

Keeping the rescue real!


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