Posted in Life Rescues

What’s New?

today-is-the-dayLet’s start with Happy NEW Year!

Now, we’re here, it’s 2017 and we’ve got a whole year’s worth of new to figure out. New job, new boy/girlfriend, new exercise, new baby, new home, new fill in the blank because whatever it is, we always have an opportunity for NEW.

If you could forecast it, what would be New for you? Or would you even try something new?

I know some will say, ‘what’s the big deal? It’s just another day’. And while they are right, they forget or take for granted that they have a day to play with. At no point do we know when that will be taken away from us so I am here to remind you and get you to marinate in thought for a bit.

We all have choices and when we do nothing, that is still a choice. But is nothing really worth it? Are you setting yourself up for regret? Will you come to the end of your life and say, ‘Shit, I should have done something new’? Do you really want to waste the life you have for nothing?

Am I over killing it? Well, I don’t mean to but I can’t help shake someone out of their self inflicted coma as life is too precious. Have you noticed those around you who are dying prematurely? They lost the chance to find out what they could become but you still have time.

Now, I’m not suggesting you go overboard, but what’s the harm in picking up a new hobby, language or learning a new sport? Make everyday count because you can. Rock out 2017 like you are out to rescue yourself!

Feel free to inspire us with your story…everyone has a good one to tell!

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