Home Rescues

You cannot be rescued in a day. It takes time to get back to basics. You have to ask yourself, “How long did it take me to get this way”. Like losing weight, this doesn’t happen overnight.

If your home looks like it needs TLC, I can rescue you with a one hour complimentary evaluation to review your individual organizing needs. I will customize your project or space needs without breaking the bank. This is done in a confidential, non-judgmental, and patient manner.

Because we all know when your home life is spiraling into a black hole, our reflective instinct is to hang up our gloves and give up. This leads to exasperation because there are not enough hours in the day for what you need to do. Am I right? If so, you have come to the right place to recapture your sanity.

I can help you with sort out your clutter with useful information that will put your mind at ease.

Send me a note to make an appointment – rficco@gmail.com.

For your reading pleasure, you can find a list of blogs here – Post Reflections