Posted in Life Rescues

Negative Attention is Still Attention

respectEverybody wants attention even when the attention isn’t good. Like when someone freaks out, or starts to cry in a public place (or at a party, at work, at school or in the middle of a mall etc). We see bad behavior all the time….but doing something about it goes as far as taking pictures or a video from your phone.

Here are some scenarios that come to mind.

1. Girl likes boy, boy has no idea because he’s from a different planet. She will throw herself at him and give off desperate vibes (negative) to get his attention and get nowhere except hurt.  Boy likes girl, girl has no idea because she’s from a different planet. He can throw himself at her and give off desperate vibes (still negative) to get her attention. This can work both ways, you choose the scene.

People tend to date those who are not on the same page or going in the same direction. One wants an exclusive relationship while the other wants to keep their options opened. They will continue to be in a relationship filled with delusion as opposed to finding a relationship that is filled with opened communication of one’s feelings, dreams and aspirations. One that lets each of them know they are going towards the same goals and fulfilling their lives. If the start of the relationship isn’t fundamentally structured then it will lead to other issues once married.

2. Here is another way of negative attention. A child can be in a room with his/her parents and if they don’t get the proper attention they can tend to throw a fit, cry until crystal breaks, have a hissy fit like an uncontrollable animal, or take a total bird. A parent tends to ignore or not notice that there is a problem when their children act in this manner because they 1. Don’t want to take responsibility, 2. Don’t know how to be responsible 3. Assuming that the situation is temporary and it will pass. This allows for habit and this too comes as a good or bad habit. Good habits involve structure, bad habits dictates destruction.

3. A dog can bark, whine, scratch furniture or eat your shoe to get your attention (all negative) in order to let you know they have to pee or are bored out of their mind. An owner who is not capable of disciplining and setting boundaries to let the dog understand it is your home, will take advantage of your surroundings as the environment they are in permits it.

When a person doesn’t get their own way they will make a point to retreat in a way to create a negative environment as will a dog. Low self esteem is usually the underlining problem but nobody wants to admit it.


Because you aren’t paying attention to the problem I’m assuming.
Because you are oblivious to think anyone else has feelings that could get hurt
Because you are too busy concentrating on number ONE (YOURSELF) to care
Because you are too important to deal with it
Because you are not smart enough to deal with it
Because society doesn’t give out instant manuals on how to avoid negative attention

As you can see my tolerance level on this subject is low. So you might be wondering why I bring it up….well, someone has to. Now go out there and fix it or it will just snowball into a huge mess.

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