Posted in Life Rescues

Are You Hungry?

hungryI know eating is not something we want to discuss after the weekend holiday binge but I’m not talking about food right now. Well, not really!

The other day, I heard someone say, ‘if you want to succeed you have to be hungry’ and I couldn’t agree more. Maybe because for the first time in years, I  am starving to get my professional path on the right track. I’m doing things I would not have done a year ago. I am stepping out of the box and leaving the comfort zone behind. While it scares me like nothing else ever has, it doesn’t stop me from exploring the opportunity.

What’s funny is the direction my life is going currently. If someone had said, ‘Rose, you’re going to bake cookies and people are going to love them’ I would have laughed so hard. In all my years, baking was one thing I never got the hang of. I used to watch my mom, even help her out but I didn’t pay attention to all her tricks on how to make the perfect cookie. But for some reason, I decided to test out an old family recipe that she used to make. I remember calling my aunt to find out what the exact recipe for the original Italian biscotti was because my mom is longer with us. While my aunt recited it to me over the phone, I felt like she was talking to me in a ‘baker’s’ language. I had no idea what she was telling me to do, but I was writing it all down so I could figure it out later. After a few batches, I caught on and because I wasn’t making one cookie at a time, I’d find myself with too many. So I had no choice but to share them with others. Lucky for me, people actually liked them. And then they were hungry for more.

But my hunger these days is about finding out how far I can push myself. I feel like I have been coasting in the comfort zone for too long. I did this for a few reason. The main one was that I held jobs in the last 10 years that provided me with an income but it never filled me with satisfaction. While I tried to enjoy my job, I never felt challenged enough because I did the same thing over and over again. I fell into a rut that lasted too long because I felt like a gerbil running backwards on a treadmill. I wasn’t getting recognized for any of my efforts and the promotions were slim. It didn’t matter if I went out of my way to get the job done because I was being ignored by the person running the joint. They were too engrossed in their own agenda. Their hunger didn’t match mine and it took me a hell of a long time to figure that out. I think what hit a nerve was at my last job. I managed the membership department and brought in $1.2 million dollars into sales/retention within 14 months and there wasn’t even a pat on the back. Do you know what I can do with that money if I made to make it for myself??? Holy SHIT!!

hungerSo my stomach started to growl, not by choice. After being fired for ‘NO CAUSE’ last May, I finally had to satisfy my taste buds with new concepts. I want to find out if there is more to life than trying to compete with others to get up a ladder. Lately, what dawned on me and kicked me in the ass was knowing that I can make my own ladder because I’m starving to find out what I can accomplish on my own. I not only can taste it but I can smell the sweet aroma!

So if you haven’t been introduced yet or if you are feeling hungry, I’m inviting you to explore the Fiscotti cookie creation as it rocked in sells this holiday season. Over 1,000 Fiscotti were sold and now they are available all year round.

Only if you are hungry though….


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